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2025-03-01 17:43:02 来源:上海鼎振仪器设备有限公司 DIN50018 Testing in Alternating Condensation Atomosphere Containing Sulphur Dioxide含二氧化硫浓缩气氛下的交互试验
1、Purpose and range of application 适用范围和目的.
This standard describes the general condition which must be observed for testing samples in condensation atmosphere containing sulphur dioxide, so that comparable results are obtained when the test is carried out in different laboratories.
The test allows defects in corrosion protection systems to be detected quickly. Exposure to these test atmospheres does not allow any direct conclusions to be drawn regarding the life of the tested components under practical duty conditions. This, however, does not exclude the possibility, once ample experience has been gained regarding the long-term behaviours of specific systems in an industrial atmosphere, of being able to establish a relationship between the behaviour in practical service and the behaviour under test conditions, particularly in atmosphere DIN 50 018 – SFW0.25.
该试验可以很快发现在腐蚀保护系统里的缺陷,暴露在这类试验气氛下,不能得出任何关于试验对象实际应用寿命的直接结论;但也不排除这种可能,即在获得关于在工业气氛下的特定系统的长久性能的足够经验后,能够确定实际应用性能和试验性能之间的关系,尤其是在DIN 50 018 – SFW0.25的气氛下。
It is advisable to test only identical corrosion protection system simultaneously in one and same test facility, since the possibility of interaction between samples representing different system cannot be excluded.
When different corrosion protection systems are tested simultaneously and different materials are present, it should be borne in mind that different effects are often brought about by sulphur dioxide. Direct comparison of the results of tests on different combinations of corrosion protection systems and materials is therefore not readily permissible.
Sample form, sample preparation, test duration, evaluation of the test and assessment of the results are not the subject of this Standard. Details on these points will be found in the relevant Standards or special specifications, or are to be agreed case by case. In particular, the remarks in DIN 50 905 part 1 to part 3 are to be observed when carrying out this test.
样品形状,样品准备,试验持续时间,评估试验和试验结果,都不是本标准的主题,在别的标准或专门的技术规范里可以找到这些方面的详细资料,或者一次次试验后得到认可。特别的情况,按DIN 50 905 部分1 to 部分3的说明进行试验。
2、Other relevant Standards(相关标准)
DIN 50 900 Part 1 Corrosion of metals; definitions, general definition.
DIN 50 900 Part 2 Corrosion of metals; definitions, electrochemical definition.
DIN 50 900 Part 1 Corrosion of metals; chemical corrosion tests, general.
DIN 50 900 Part 2 Corrosion of metals; chemical corrosion tests, corrosion values with uniform surface corrosion.
DIN 50 900 Part 3 Corrosion of metals; chemical corrosion tests, corrosion values with non-uniform corrosion absence of additional mechanical stress.
3、Definition (定义)
According to DIN 50 900 Patr1 and Part2.
按照DIN 50 900 1部分 and 2部分
4、Test condition
at the star of the first test phase in each cycle the test chamber temperature is raised to ±31℃ over a period of about 1 1/2 hours. At the same time condensation forms on the samples. This wetting must persist throughout the further progress of the first test phase. It is during this stage that the test reaches maximum everity through the the simultaneous action of sulphur dioxide.
每个循环的一试验阶段开始时,在1.5小时内把测试室温度调到±31℃,同时,对样品进行浓缩,其湿度应能保持整个试验阶段一。通过SO2的同时作用,在试验阶段达到*大 。
Note: the sulphur dioxide admitted at the start of the first test phase quickly dissolves to a great extent in the water in the bottom of the test chamber. At the start of the test, therefore, the effective sulphur dioxide concentration in the gas space is only about 1/7 of theoretical concentration. This initial concentration does not remain constant during the first phase, but instead drops sharply at first and thereafter more slowly.
The second test phase starts with the disconnection of the heat supply and the opening or ventilating of the test chamber, which must lead to the establishing after about 1 1/2 hours of the test conditions according to the Table.
Type of test condition
试验条件Theoretical SO2 concentration start of a cycle
% by vol.(体积百分比)0.067* 0.33* 0.67* Condensation atmosphere(浓缩气氛) DIN50 018-SFW0.2S DIN50 018-SFW1.0S DIN50 018-SFW2.0S Cycle Test phase 1 h
试验阶段18 including heating
8小时(含加热时间)Test phase 2 h
试验阶段216 including cooling
(test chamber opened ventilate)实验室要通风Total h
总共24 Conditions in test space
试验室条件Test phase 1 Temperature ℃ 40±3 Relative humidity% Approx. 100(wetting of test specimens)
大约100(试验样品湿度)Test phase 2 Temperature ℃ 18 to 28 Relative humidity% Max.75 Water quantity in the test space % by vol.
试验室水含量 体积百分比0.67 - For a test facility with a test chamber volume of 300l,the theoretical so2 concentration corresponds to an so2 admission per cycle of 0.2l, 1.0l, 2.0l.
- For a test facility with a volume of 300l, this concentration corresponds to a quality of 2l 测试室体积为300L的设备,相应SO2浓度是2L
*通常国外在旧RR标准 1405以下。
5、Test facility(试验设备)
5.1 Test chamber(测试室)
Testing in a warm humid atmosphere containing sulphur dioxide requires a test chamber with a volume of at least 300L closed all round and sealed and having walls consisting of a corrosion-resistant material which, moreover, must not influence the corrosion. The test chamber must have a bottom trough capable of being heated and of holding the quantity of water prescribed in the Table. The heating of the test chamber takes place only via this water bath.
A suitable temperature measuring and control device must be available in the test chamber. The temperature is measured in the immediate vicinity of the samples. The valves necessary for pressure equalization and the gas inlet must be located above the water surface. The roof of the test chamber must be so constituted as to prevent condensate from dripping down on to the samples. The shape and size of the test chamber are optional, provided that the requirements of Section 5 and 7 are fulfilled. The illustration shows a test facility with a chamber volume of 300L.
The test chamber is to be set up in a room without corrosive atmosphere, at room temperature and a relative humidity not exceeding 75%, and so installed that it is protected from draughts and sola irradiation.
5.2 Sample holder(样品固定器)
the sample holder must consist of a corrosion-resistant material which also must not influence the corrosion of the sample. it must be so constituted that the samples can be arranged to suit the requirements of Section 6.2.
6 Procedures(程序)
6.1 Samples (样品)
Only samples which do not affect each other should be tested jointly.
6.2 Arrangement of samples(样品准备)
The samples are to be so arranged in the test chamber that the following spacing is maintained: 在测试室的样品按以下位置要求准备。
Distance from walls at least 100mm
距离测试室壁 至少100 mm
Distance of underside of samples from surface of water at least 200mm
样品下表面离水面距离 至少200mm
Distance between samples at least 20mm
样品间距 至少20mm
In the absence of any agreements to the contrary, the total surface area of the suspended samples should amount to 0.5m2 ±0.1 m2 per 300L of test chamber volume. Special agreements are to be made in respect of samples the surface area of which cannot be determined.
必须满足试验要求,每个300L的测试室里,悬挂样品的总表面积为0.5m2 ±0.1 m2,无法测量的样品表面积可以特许。
It is importance to ensure that during exposure no condensate can drip on to the samples. Since the same amount of sulphur dioxide is affective in each cycle, the result depends on the size and nature of the total sample surface area loaded. For comparative tests it is therefore indispensable to work each time with the same total sample surface area and samples of like a kind.
It is also important that the material used to mask surface which are not to be exposed should be of a kind which does not reach with sulphur dioxide and also does not influence the test result in any other way.
6.3 Filling the bottom trough(底部水槽加水)
The bottom trough should be filled with the quality of distilled or deionized water stated in the Table. Prior to each cycle the water must be renewed and the test chamber cleaned if necessary.
6.4 Gas supply(供气)
Before the sulphur dioxide is admitted the test chamber must be closed.
6.4.1 Supplying sulphur dioxide from steel cylinders. For the exact measurement of the amount sulphur dioxide admitted, commercial-type gas meters or containers with fluid displacement(paraffin oil) may be used.
6.4.2 Generation of sulphur dioxide inside the test facility.
It is also permissible to generate sulpur dioxide inside the test facility by suitable means(e.g. NaHSO3+dilute sulphuric acid)
6.5 Heating(加热)
the heating should be switched on immediately after the admission of sulphur dioxide and the test chamber raised to temperature of 40℃ over a period of about 1 1/2 hours. This temperature must be held to within ±3℃ at the measuring point.
6.6 Test duration(测试持续时间)
If the specific test Standards do not lay down any test duration,1,2,5,10 or 20 cycles should be run for preference. The test may be broken off any unacceptable impairment of the appearance or function of the samples occurs or if a given degree of corrosion is reached.
6.7 Test sequence(试验顺序)
Each cycle comprises two-test phase corresponding to the Table, i.e. totaling 24 hours. At the end of the first test phase(8 hours)the heating is switched off and the test chamber opened or ventilated.
At the end of the second test phase (18 hours) the bottom trough is emptied, cleaned if necessary, and filled with fresh distilled or deionized water. The test chamber is then closed and solphur dioxide admitted. With the switching on of the heating a new cycle starts.
6.8 Interrupting the test(试验中断)
Test interruptions are to be made up by prolonging the second test phase and are to be indicated in the report. When specimens are to be exposed to only 1 or 2 cycles, the test facility should have been in operation beforehand for at least 1 cycle.
7. Functional check of the test facility
For monitoring the reproducibility the test results given by a test facility, or those of identical test facilities at different locations, it is necessary to carry out a functional check at appropriate intervals. Test facilities with a test chamber volume of 300L are covered by the provision in Sections 7.1 to 7.8.
7.1Test material 测试材料
7.1.1 Five samples each measuring 50mm wide, 100mm long and 0.6 to 1.5mm thick, of the steel grades St 37(bright as rolled) to DIN 17 100 or St 1405° (bright as rolled) to DIN 1623 part 1 ground with a ceramic wheel of hardness J and 46 grit.
5个50 mm宽,100 mm长,0.6~1.5mm厚的样品同时测试,钢材等级标准37(亮度如金箔),在DIN 17 100 or 标准 1405, DIN 1623 部分 1,硬度等级J和46筛网陶瓷地面。
7.1.2 Two blank samples each measuring 250mm wide,400mm long and 1mm thick, of the steel grades St 37(bright as rolled) to DIN 17 100 or St 1405°)(bright as rolled)to DIN1623 Part1.
两个空白样品,250mm 宽,400mm 长,1mm 厚,
7.2 Sample preparation(样品准备)
Before the functional check is started, the test material according to Section 7.1 should be degreased by using white spirit or another suitable solvent applied with a soft lint-free cloth or a brush, and the sample according to Section 7.1.1 then weighed to the nearest 1 mg. If the weighing cannot be performed immediately after degreasing, the sample should be kept in a desiccator until weighed.
开始功能检验前,符合7.1节规定测试材料应用石油溶剂进行脱脂处理,或其它合适的溶剂,用不含麻的软布或刷子处理,符合7.1.1节规定的样品称重精确到1 mg。如果脱脂后不能立即进行称重,在称重前样品应保存在干燥器里。
7.3 Performance of the functional check
The five samples according to Section 7.1.1 are arranged vertically in the chamber. The blank samples according to Section 7.1.2 are also arranged vertically on either side of five samples according to Section 7.1.1. The exposure of the samples extends over five cycles corresponding to the test conditions SFW 0.25 according to Section 6.
7.4 Removing the corrosion products(清除腐蚀产物)
On completion of the functional check the corrosion products are removed from the samples by using an approximately 10% solution of hydrochloric acid(230ml of chemically pure HCLρ=1.18g/ml and 730ml of distilled or deionized water), to which 0.1% properly alcohol has been added, at room temperature. After the corrosion products have been removed, the samples are thoroughly rinsed in distilled or deionized water, dried and then kept in the desiccator at room temperature from 18 to 28℃ until weighed.
完成功能检验后,用大约10%的盐酸溶解(230ml 化学纯的 HCL ρ=1.18g/ml 加730ml 的蒸馏水或去离子水),从侵蚀样品清除侵蚀产物,加0.1%酒精,在室温下。侵蚀产物清除后,样品放在蒸馏水或去离子水里彻底清洗、干燥,称重前保存在干燥器里,室温18到28℃下。
7.5 Weighing the samples(称重)
The samples are weighed to the nearest 1mg.
样品称重精确到1 mg。
7.6 Evaluation of results(评估结果)